Whereas, the State of San Andreas recognizes the critical need to protect its wildlife and ecosystems, and
Whereas, regulated hunting is vital for maintaining a balance between conservation and recreation, and
Whereas, this Act is established to govern wildlife conservation and hunting in San Andreas,
Be it enacted by the Executive Branch of San Andreas:

Section 1: Wildlife Conservation
1.1. Protected Species: It shall be unlawful to hunt, trap, or harm any wildlife species listed as protected under this Act. A comprehensive list of protected species and their conservation status shall be maintained by the San Andreas Parks Department.
1.2. Habitat Preservation: The state shall prioritize the preservation and restoration of natural habitats critical to the survival of protected wildlife species, with an emphasis on maintaining biodiversity and ecosystem health.
1.3. Conservation Programs: The San Andreas Parks Department, in collaboration with conservation organizations, shall implement programs to promote the conservation of endangered and threatened species.
1.4. Ecological Balance: Efforts shall be made to maintain ecological balance by preventing the overpopulation of certain species, which could lead to habitat degradation and harm to other wildlife.
1.5. Invasive Species Control: Measures shall be taken to control and mitigate the impact of invasive species on native wildlife and ecosystems.
Section 2: Hunting Regulation
2.1. License Issuance: Individuals must obtain a hunting license from the San Andreas Parks Department (Los Santos Police Department) to engage in lawful hunting within the state. The initial license fee is set at a minimum of $5,000, and licenses must be renewed on a monthly basis.
2.2. Eligibility Requirements: Eligibility for a hunting license is contingent upon adherence to criteria specified by the San Andreas Parks Department, encompassing factors such as age, mandatory training, and compliance history with prior hunting regulations.
2.3. Seasonal Limits: The San Andreas Parks Department shall determine hunting seasons and permissible game species based on scientific assessments.
2.4. Enforcement Authority: The San Andreas Parks Department possesses full authority for enforcing hunting license requirements, including regular compliance checks.
2.5. Financial Allocation: Revenues generated from hunting licenses and fees are dedicated to wildlife conservation, natural habitat preservation, and sustaining the operations of the San Andreas Park Rangers.
2.6. Public Awareness: The San Andreas Parks Department will conduct public awareness campaigns to educate hunters and the public on responsible hunting and conservation.
2.7. Reporting Requirement: If requested, licensed hunters must submit comprehensive reports detailing harvested species and hunting locations to facilitate wildlife management and regulatory oversight by the San Andreas Parks Department.
Section 3: Park Ranger Enforcement
3.1. Park Ranger Authority: The San Andreas Park Rangers, operating as a division under the aegis of the San Andreas Police Department, shall assume responsibility for the enforcement of wildlife conservation and hunting regulations within designated conservation areas and safeguarded zones.
3.2. Law Enforcement Powers: Park Rangers are vested with the statutory authority to issue citations, confiscate illicit hunting equipment, and effectuate arrests in strict accordance with the provisions enshrined within this Act.
3.3. Public Education: Park Rangers shall proactively undertake public education initiatives designed to heighten awareness concerning wildlife conservation, hunting regulatory paradigms, and the overarching significance of preserving the pristine splendor of our natural heritage.
3.4. Incident Documentation: The San Andreas Parks Department shall meticulously document all enforcement actions and incidents pertaining to wildlife conservation and hunting regulations for evidentiary and administrative purposes.
3.5. Search and Seizure Authority: The San Andreas Parks Department possess the lawful authority to conduct searches and seize items in accordance with due process when they have reasonable suspicion of hunting violations.
3.6. Collaboration with Authorities: The San Andreas Parks Department shall collaborate with local law enforcement agencies to ensure seamless enforcement of hunting regulations and conservation laws.
3.7. Jurisdictional Boundaries: The jurisdiction of the San Andreas Park Rangers shall extend across the entire state of San Andreas.
3.8. Reporting to Superior Authority: Park Rangers shall submit detailed reports of enforcement activities to their superior officers and the governing body responsible for wildlife conservation oversight.
Section 4: Relationship with the Los Santos Police Department
4.1. Internal Division: The San Andreas Parks Department (SAPD) shall function as an internal division within the Los Santos Police Department (LSPD), with LSPD duties taking precedence over SAPD responsibilities.
4.2. Emergency Response: SAPD personnel shall promptly respond to emergency calls and incidents within the jurisdiction of Los Santos, prioritizing LSPD emergencies and law enforcement activities.
4.3. Resource Allocation: In cases of resource allocation, SAPD shall prioritize LSPD operations to ensure the maintenance of public safety and the fulfillment of primary law enforcement duties in Los Santos.
4.4. Operational Coordination: SAPD shall maintain seamless operational coordination with the LSPD, collaborating to uphold the highest standards of public safety and law enforcement within the city.
4.5. Supervisory Hierarchy: SAPD personnel shall operate within the established supervisory hierarchy of the LSPD, reporting to LSPD command officers as required by the chain of command.
4.6. LSPD Oversight: It shall be the responsibility of the Los Santos Police Department (LSPD) to provide oversight, create Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), and administer the operational aspects of the San Andreas Parks Department (SAPD).
Section 5: Penalties
5.1. Civil Forfeiture: In addition to fines and imprisonment, violators may be subject to civil forfeiture of hunting equipment, vehicles, and other assets used in the commission of hunting offenses.
5.2. Repeat Offender Penalties: Subsequent violations by the same individual may result in enhanced penalties, including extended prison sentences and increased fines.
Section 6: Severability
6.1. Individual Provisions: If any provision of this Act or its application to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the remainder of the Act or the application of the provisions to other persons or circumstances shall not be affected.
Section 7: Superseding Authority
7.1. Superseding Authority: This Act supersedes and prevails over all prior agreements, statutes, regulations, and documents related to hunting, wildlife conservation, and associated activities within the jurisdiction of San Andreas. In the event of any conflict or inconsistency with such prior instruments, this Act shall take precedence and govern all matters related to hunting and wildlife regulation within San Andreas.
Effective Date: This Legislative Order shall take effect immediately upon issuance.

Signed, Annie King
Governor of San Andreas