In the pursuit of robust and transparent governance, and recognizing the imperative to regulate commerce and enterprise within the borders of San Andreas, this Executive Order has been promulgated. The primary aim of this order is to establish a comprehensive framework governing the licensing of businesses and the requisite financial obligations therein. With an unwavering commitment to equitable economic practices and the well-being of our state, this order lays the foundation for a structured, fair, and economically vibrant San Andreas. In furtherance of these objectives, the subsequent sections herein delineate the specific provisions and obligations imposed upon businesses operating within our jurisdiction.

Whereas, by the authority vested in me as Governor of San Andreas, and in pursuance of the state's interest to regulate and facilitate the lawful conduct of businesses within its jurisdiction, it is hereby ordered as follows:
Section 1: Business Licensing
1.1. Licensing Requirement: All entities, hereinafter referred to as "businesses," regardless of the existence of physical premises, shall be mandatorily required to obtain and maintain a valid business license to operate within the territorial bounds of San Andreas.
1.2. Basic License Fee: A standardized fee, amounting to the sum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000) per calendar month, shall be levied upon each business entity as a prerequisite to commencing or continuing operations within San Andreas.
1.3. Property-Based Businesses: Those businesses that intend to establish their operations within a physical property, including but not limited to land or buildings, shall be subject to an additional cost referred to herein as the "lease cost."
1.4. Designated Business Types: Specific categories of businesses, as enumerated in Section 2 hereof, shall be obligated to remit the particularized lease cost corresponding to their designated business category.
1.5. Non-Designated Businesses: In the event a business does not align with any of the designated categories enumerated in Section 2, the requisite lease cost shall be predicated upon the specific geographical location in which the business conducts its activities.
1.6. Multiple Categories: Business entities concurrently engaged in two of the major business categories shall be subject to the lease costs attributable to both business categories, with a 30% reduction applied to ensure equitable alignment with other businesses.
1.7. Payment Schedule: The financial obligations, as delineated herein, shall be due and payable on the first (1st) day of every calendar month.
1.8. Authorized Representatives: It shall be permissible for the proprietors of businesses to formally designate a solitary individual, hereinafter referred to as an "authorized representative," to perform the act of rendering payments on their behalf.
1.9. Grace Period: A grace period, extending for a period of seven (7) calendar days from the due date, shall be extended for the purpose of effectuating payment. Upon the lapse of this grace period, failure to remit payment shall result in the automatic revocation of the business license.
1.10. Pro-Rated Payments: In instances where payment obligations are initiated subsequent to the commencement of a calendar month, the fees shall be assessed and collected on a pro-rata basis, determined by the number of calendar days remaining in the given month.
Section 2: Lease Costs
2.1. Property-Based Costs: Lease costs, to be remitted by businesses electing to conduct their operations within the confines of physical properties, shall be quantified as follows:
Car Dealership: A sum of one hundred fifty thousand dollars ($150,000) per calendar month. Mechanics: A sum of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) per calendar month. Restaurants: A sum of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000) per calendar month.
Miscellaneous (City Center): A sum of forty thousand dollars ($40,000) per calendar month. Miscellaneous (City Outskirts): A sum of thirty-five thousand dollars ($35,000) per calendar month.
Miscellaneous (Sandy Shores): A sum of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) per calendar month.
Miscellaneous (Paleto Bay): A sum of twenty thousand dollars ($20,000) per calendar month.
Section 3: Payment Schedule
3.1. Payment Distribution: The distribution of payment obligations for the calendar month of September shall be administered promptly, with disbursement scheduled for the forthcoming day. Payments must be received no later than the twenty-eighth (28th) day of September.
3.2. Consequences of Non-Payment: In the event of non-compliance with the prescribed payment schedule, and subsequent failure to remit payment by the stipulated date set forth in Section 3.1 herein, the business license shall be summarily revoked.
3.3. Ongoing Payment Schedule: Henceforth, and for all subsequent months, businesses shall be obligated to remit payment on the first (1st) day of each calendar month.
Section 4: Revocation of Prior Agreements
4.1. Revocation: This Executive Order hereby supersedes and revokes all previously held agreements, executive orders, or regulations that pertain to business licensing, fees, and payment schedules, to the extent that they are inconsistent with the terms and provisions of this order.
Section 5: Compliance Checks
5.1. Routine Business Checks: In order to maintain the integrity of business licensing and to ensure that leased properties are effectively utilized, routine checks shall be conducted by the relevant authorities. These checks will verify the operational status of businesses occupying leased properties.
5.2. Non-Operational Businesses: In the event that a business fails to commence operations within a reasonable timeframe after leasing a property, or if it ceases operations for an extended period, the property may be repossessed and made available for lease to other prospective businesses.
Effective Date: This Legislative Order shall take effect immediately upon issuance.

Signed, Annie King
Governor of San Andreas